3 Most Strange Kind of Diet

There are many ways that people do to live healthy and have the ideal body, to have ideal body they usually go on a diet. Based on the reviews on more than 1,500 types of diet, the following three forms of the strangest diets that have been collected throughout 2010:

weirdest diet

1.Diet tapeworm
This diet requires the perpetrator to swallow the tapeworm parasite, which can be found in the feces of infected animals or in undercooked meat.

Ribbon worms will grow in the digestive tract and will be left until the desired weight is reached. If targets are met, then the perpetrators will be given antibiotics to kill and repel these tapeworms.

"This diet is really crazy. Tapeworm is a dangerous parasite that can cause serious health problems. Tapeworm is not the way to reduce your weight. And, it is illegal to buy and sell tapeworm in the U.S.," said Bauer.

2.Diet hCG
You must perform daily injections and a diet of 500 calories to lose weight. This is not a healthy way. Indeed, low-calorie diet is the most recommended way to lose weight, but you have to cut calories with a healthy and sustainable manner, while providing the necessary calories your body.

"500 calories is not enough to support normal brain function," said Rebecca Scritchfield dietitian.

"We need energy, and provide calories for the body to survive and thrive. If you do not give your body enough calories, mainly from foods rich in carbohydrates (which supplies the brain with the necessary amount of glucose), the body will take it by breaking down muscle mass to produce glucose as the fuel of the brain, red blood cells, and the entire central nervous system, "says Elisa Zied MS RD, author of Nutrition at Your Fingertips and founder and president of Zied Health Communications, LLC.

He stressed that, if you do not fill the body with the ideal amount of calories every day for some people-approximately 2,000 calories per day (although the amount varies based on age, gender, and activity level)-it will slow down the body to utilize the calories you / create, slow metabolism, and body can not function properly, such as not enough energy.
"This diet is clearly harm. You certainly do not want to experience a car accident prior to destination, right? So, why did you apply this kind of diet?," He said.

3.Diet Twinkie
Twinkie diet did not prosecute the perpetrators to eliminate the habit of eating junk food or cake. Is professor Mark Haub nutritionists who create this form of diet by eating "Snack Cake Diet" which can eliminate 27 pounds (approximately 12.2 kg) Your body weight in two months.

He wanted to prove that the number of calories you consume more than actual food nutrient composition. By eating 1,800 calories a day, weight loss can certainly go down. However, this diet does not provide fiber, vitamins and other nutrients the body needs.

"Twinkie diet laden with sugar, bad fats, and low-quality white flour. The diet is wreaking havoc on blood sugar and increase inflammation throughout your body," said Bauer.

"You can lose weight (with mengasup fewer calories than you burn), but you will give a big loss for the body and health," he said.
READ MORE » 3 Most Strange Kind of Diet

Women Often Cause Constipation

Constipation is suffering its own for women. For days no defecation (BAB), of course, makes the stomach so begah. Not only that, stomach feels bulge because pembuangan not smooth for days. This problem is not only experienced for days. Maybe've experienced for years without solusi.Ada a number of reasons why constipation affects many women. One of them is pregnancy and hormonal changes. Often withhold bowel movements (BAB) and lazy to move was also one of the reasons women are often constipated.


Dr. Chudahman Sp.PD-KGEH, Head of the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine Faculty of medicine / Cipto Mangunkusumo say "constipation or constipation are often experienced by women." About two percent of women in the United States and the elderly suffer from constipation. The incidence of constipation in the country about two to 27 percent. Visits to the doctor because of constipation problems occurred as many as 2.5 million times and nearly 100 thousand patients each year require treatment.

Cipto Mangunkusumo recorded during 1998-2005, from 2397 patients who underwent colonoscopy, 216 of whom indicated having constipation. "And this is more experienced by women. The comparison of four women and one man for constipation problems," said the doctor is a graduate of Faculty of medicine in 1976.

A person can be said to suffer from constipation if you have symptoms of defecation or bowel movements that are less satisfactory. Symptoms of defecation is characterized by a bowel movement fewer than three times a week or difficulty in spending because of fecal droppings that keras.Konstipasi more often attack women because of their physical activity more or less than the men. "Statistically, the activity of males larger than females. This physical activity affect the gut works. Less activity resulted in slow digestion. It also caused those who cared for and kept lying in the hospital having difficult bowel movements," he added.

Effect of hormone
In addition, women also tend to eat and drink less. It ate a little, low-fiber as well. It is this that aggravate constipation in women.

There is also a habit of women who seem trivial, but aggravate constipation. Konstantin Monastyrsky, pharmacists from the U.S., known as a health writer, revealed a habit of women to delay bowel movements. In fact, the dirt had to be removed.

This is the reason for delayed CHAPTER is because women prefer clean and more comfortable doing it in their own homes than in public toilets. Bowel habits resist this if done constantly in fact will eliminate defecation desire that comes naturally.

"Another thing that makes the inevitable constipation for women is hormonal changes," said Dr. Chudahman. During menstruation, hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone in a woman's body increases. This can cause constipation. However, difficulties with bowel movements occurred only during menstruation only.

Even so, of course remains disturbing. Constipation during menstruation this can be prevented by adopting a healthy diet before the coming months. If the coming months ahead of the all-women tend to prefer sweet and delicious, choose foods like vegetables and fruit fiber and complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, bread wheat, pasta wheat, cassava, potatoes.

Complex carbohydrate diet is beneficial to relieve mood that tends to flare up and want to eat a sweet before menstruation completely. Food sources of complex carbohydrates also helps the body produce serotonin, which cause a sense of fun and relieve pain.

In addition, women should also eat fiber foods to avoid constipation during menstruation. That fibrous foods such as vegetables, fruits, cereals, wholemeal bread, brown rice. Do not forget to drink plenty of fiber to help aid digestion and reduce bloating symptoms before menstruation.

Constipation due to hormonal changes experienced by pregnant women. During pregnancy, a woman's body produces more hormones than normal for the pregnancy went well. One of these hormones, the hormone progesterone, acts by relaxing muscles. One of the muscles also become relaxed is beyond the bowel wall made of muscle. Because of relaxed, the muscles become more relaxed in removing dirt.

Overcoming constipation with drug therapy
Not too bad for constipation during pregnancy, fiber-rich menu of pregnant women not to be missed. The source of these fibers can be obtained from vegetables, fruits, wheat bread, brown rice, oatmeal, fruit juices are not filtered. Fiber is important because it can force the intestines to work harder.

Fiber also ensures that dirt does not dry and stays soft. Working fiber is also better when assisted by an adequate intake of drinking. Adequate water intake is needed to make hard and difficult dirt not removed.

Better yet, if pregnant women do a little exercise to overcome constipation. Women who are not pregnant but constipation can also be exercised to deal with it. Moderate exercise is beneficial menstimulai gut works, which improves digestion work.

Moderate exercise during pregnancy is appropriate walking or swimming for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week. Moderate exercise is also beneficial to improve general fitness and prepare expectant mothers with a good deal of labor.

Another way that can be taken to overcome constipation is formed in bowel habits every day. "Suppose accustomed bath every morning before first bowel movement," said Dr. Chudahman. Automatic defecate will happen by itself.

When the fiber, water, exercise, and good habits are also not routinely CHAPTER overcome constipation, there is pharmacological therapy. Drug therapies can overcome constipation, soften the dirt, enlarging the volume of dirt, and increase intestinal peristalsis.

Satisfied Against Drug Effectiveness

Drug antisembelit manifold. Type of psyllium work draws water into the dirt, creating a big lump and tenderness, which sparked large intestine to contract and release.

There is also a work by wrapping the surface of the dirt to hold water in it, so easily removed. Another interesting work antisembelit type of liquid into the intestine from surrounding tissue, thus softening the dirt and make the removal process easier.

Antisembelit bisacodyl bowel drug help work out dirt. "Studies conducted in England in 2010 by prof. Stefan Muller-Lissner of Berlin proved safe ingredient bisacodyl. This research has been published in Digestive Disease Week 2010 in New Orleans, United States," said Dr. Suria Nataatmadja, Group Medical Affairs Manager PT Boehringer Ingelheim Indonesia, in a press conference in Jakarta recently.

The study involved 368 female patients with an average age of 55 years. Clinical trials conducted in parallel. Clinical trials with sodium picosulfate empty substance alias placebo for four weeks on 367 patients with chronic constipation in Germany. At the same time conducted clinical trials of bisacodyl to placebo for four weeks on 368 patients in the UK. Researchers want to see the patient's ability spontaneous CHAPTER every week, for four weeks of treatment.

At the end of the study group who received the placebo value of 2.0 while the group who received bisacodyl the value 5.2. "There are significant differences between placebo and bisacodyl, which amounted to 3.3," said Dr. Suria Nataatmadja.

Evident from these studies 80 percent of patients feel good and satisfied treated with bisacodyl. "These drugs are proven to improve the quality of life. CHAPTER become regular, decreasing the incidence of constipation, bloating and discomfort in the stomach is reduced," he said.

Clinical trials in Germany against sodium picosulfat also proved good. "As many as 90 percent of patients receiving sodium picosulfat satisfied with the effectiveness of this drug," he said.

When to Assisted Laxatives

Constipation is often caused by modern lifestyles. If our ancestors used to eat plenty of fiber from brown rice, mashed rice, and bran, we prefer to eat white rice and flour that contain fiber are removed.

Modern lifestyle also allows us to take medicines that make constipation: blood pressure medications, pain relievers, antidepressants, tranquilizers, or statins for lowering cholesterol. There are many other chemicals that we / create everyday.

Therefore, we should eat fibrous foods. "However, if the action had not yet succeeded in overcoming constipation, patients can take steps such as pharmacological therapy with therapy soften dirt and increases intestinal peristalsis, by taking laxatives containing bisacodyl or with a product that is inserted into the rectum," says Dr. Chudahman Manan, Sp.PD-KGEH.

If used properly according to doctor's instructions, purgative medicines are generally safe, although sometimes causes cramps, bloating, dizziness, or diarrhea. "Clinical trials show bisacodyl side effects such as diarrhea, but no serious side effects on patients. It shows its safety profile," said Dr. Suria Nataatmadja.

Taking the drug to cope with this constipation is the rule. "The drug has been clinically tested and proven safe to use for four weeks. If there is no change in four weeks, you should see a doctor," said Dr. Chudahman.

Constipation unresolved for more than four weeks must watch out because it could be a symptom of cancer. "The most obvious sign is weight loss more than 75 percent by weight for no apparent reason, within one month," he said.

Be careful with signs of bleeding through the anus and stomach cramps. Abdominal cramps can be a sign of blockage caused by a large tumor in the intestines.

The risk of a woman sat for more than 6 hours is very dangerous, for kesehatanya.
READ MORE » Women Often Cause Constipation

Stress Reducing Foods

The work that piled, again broke, a trigger body experiences stress. Sometimes a break is not enough, try to provide brain food that can make it more relaxed and rileks.Cobalah with the following foods to help the body and mind. You do not need to fear the excess calori when to eat it, because the eight types of food consumed is quite healthy.

food stress reducer

This is the food stress reducer:

Yoghurt delicious eaten cold when the weather is a bit hot as this afternoon. Not only helping digestion, yogurt can also increase the content of serotonin in the brain that can reduce stress levels, and also makes you feel calm. Try it with different flavors of yogurt to avoid boredom.

Like yogurt, chocolate can also increase serotonin in the brain. Giving rise to feelings of happiness after eating it. Chocolate can also help you increase my sex drive, because the content phenethylamine that makes you always feel in love.


Almonds contain vitamin B2, vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc. Vitamin B and magnesium are involved in the production of serotonin, which helps regulate mood and reduce stress. Zinc fights some negative effects of stress, while vitamin E is an antioxidant that destroys free radicals associated with stress and heart disease.

Herbal tea
Black tea or herbal tea not only help reduce the number of calories but at the same time also help improve your mood. Such as chamomile tea, green tea, tea with abuah race can calm your mind.

Fish contain a source of omega-3 fatty acids, in addition to the content of vitamin B12 and B6 are also quite a lot. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to feelings of stress and depression are quite high.

Contains high levels of antioxidants and folic acid and vitamin B. Folic acid helps relieve stress, reduce anxiety, to depression. Natural fiber also helps your body's digestive system.

Fruits contain natural sugar flavor, which if consumed in large quantities is not too affects your body's sugar levels. Untu relieve stress and depression, sepertijeruk fruits and other tropical fruit also will help increase your energy.
READ MORE » Stress Reducing Foods

Why Cigarette Smoke Odor Gone Hard?

Why does the smell of cigarette smoke was so sticky and stubborn?
Cigarette smoke not only stuck to the outside of the body such as clothing but can also penetrate the skin, hair and can irritate nasal passages and breathing. For you who suffer from asthma, sinusitis and rhinitis smell of cigarette smoke can irritate sensitive membranes in the respiratory system.

effects of cigarette

Cigarette smoke is made of long chains of molecules, so the need for lengthy or difficult to remove, especially on fabrics. In addition, cigarette smoke produced usually contains many substances or residues.
Cigarette smoke does not just stick in people who smoke, but also people who become passive smokers. So attached to cigarette smoke is known as 'third-hand smoke'. Third-hand smoke is a term used to describe the amount of toxic residue from cigarette smoke stuck to the clothes, the members of the body such as hands and hair and other objects when exposed to smoke. Toxic residue is generally not last long.

A smoker will still blow poison of his breath for several minutes after the lethal cigarette maupaun when the smoke is gone. "Danger from third-hand smoke is very real. Because when someone smokes in any place, toxic particulates from cigarette smoke will get into the hair and clothing, "said Professor Jonathan Winickoff of Massachusetts General Hospital, as reported by BBC News.

Especially for pregnant women and toddlers have a significant risk from the effects of Third-hand smoke. To remove the smell of cigarette smoke should wash clothes using a strong detergent, and try to wash hands with soap first when exposed to smoke to reduce smoke odor and risk of disease.
READ MORE » Why Cigarette Smoke Odor Gone Hard?
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