Why Cigarette Smoke Odor Gone Hard?

Why does the smell of cigarette smoke was so sticky and stubborn?
Cigarette smoke not only stuck to the outside of the body such as clothing but can also penetrate the skin, hair and can irritate nasal passages and breathing. For you who suffer from asthma, sinusitis and rhinitis smell of cigarette smoke can irritate sensitive membranes in the respiratory system.

effects of cigarette

Cigarette smoke is made of long chains of molecules, so the need for lengthy or difficult to remove, especially on fabrics. In addition, cigarette smoke produced usually contains many substances or residues.
Cigarette smoke does not just stick in people who smoke, but also people who become passive smokers. So attached to cigarette smoke is known as 'third-hand smoke'. Third-hand smoke is a term used to describe the amount of toxic residue from cigarette smoke stuck to the clothes, the members of the body such as hands and hair and other objects when exposed to smoke. Toxic residue is generally not last long.

A smoker will still blow poison of his breath for several minutes after the lethal cigarette maupaun when the smoke is gone. "Danger from third-hand smoke is very real. Because when someone smokes in any place, toxic particulates from cigarette smoke will get into the hair and clothing, "said Professor Jonathan Winickoff of Massachusetts General Hospital, as reported by BBC News.

Especially for pregnant women and toddlers have a significant risk from the effects of Third-hand smoke. To remove the smell of cigarette smoke should wash clothes using a strong detergent, and try to wash hands with soap first when exposed to smoke to reduce smoke odor and risk of disease.



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