Oyster Mushroom Cultivation - Benefits from the Oyster mushrooms tirarn fungus can also be processed into other foods such as crackers, chips, batikan in Europe and Amerika oyster mushrooms are often consumed indirectly, be used as a kind of vegetable in salad making. And exposure is known that the market share for product oyster mushroom cultivation is wide open, in addition to local consumer needs every day. There is considerable practical technology for oyster mushroom cultivation, which stages make the media spawn (spawn) and detainees tiramnya producing fungi.Here is Oyster Mushroom Cultivation:
A. Stage make media spawn:
1. Media materials in the form of grains or powder mixture sawn albusia (SKG) plus millet seeds 1 (42%): 1 (42%). This raw material is the best.
2. Raw materials are washed and boiled for 30 minutes using a pressure cooker or saucepan.
3. The raw material was drained with a sieve. Add 1% lime (CaCl3), 1% gypsum (CaSO4), vitamin B complex (very little) and or 15 percent bran. The water content of 45-60% with the addition of a little water and pH 7.
4. The fourth step, the raw material is then distributed to the baglog polypropylene or a bottle of milk or bottle at the same day. Perbotol 50-60% filled seed media, corked cotton / kapok, wrapped in newspaper / aluminum foil.
5. Sterilization in autoclav for 2 hours or pasteurized 8 hours on the same day. Autoclave temperature 121 degrees C, pressure of 1 lb, for 2 hours. Pasteurization temperature 95 degrees C.
6. Do inoculation with laminar flow a day later. After the seed medium temperature down to room temperature conducted inoculation of seedlings from pure cultures on PDA (mycelium colony of 2-3 seeds per bottle).
7. Incubation (mycelium growth of 15-21 days) in the incubation chamber / incubator, temperature of 22-28 degrees C.
8. Bottle or the content of seedlings baglog whipped every day, two to three times. This is done for the growth of fungal mycelium seeds evenly and quickly and the media does not clot seeds / harden.
9. Ninth, mushroom mycelium spawn filled with fungal mycelium growth characteristics of a compact and uniform.
10. Mushroom is used as an inoculant / seed the parent / healthy seed multiplication to 1 and 2. Seeds are stored in a refrigerator for 1 year, if not immediately used.
B. The Production of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus spp):
1. Prepare albizia sawn wood dust. Soak for 0-12 hours (depending on the species / strain used sawdust).
2. Drain until no water, on the same day using a wire strainer or wire strainer.
3. Making a substrate / growing medium, on the same day. Add 5-15% bran or polar (depending on the species / strain used), 2% lime (CaCO3), 2% gypsum (CaSO4) and water, stirring evenly, 65% substrate moisture content, pH 7.
4. Distribute into baglog polypropylene on the same day. In the container compact enough, give the center hole, fitted mouth pralon ring, then covered with cotton / wax paper.
5. Sterilization / Pasteurization, a day later. Store in the steam room or steam in the drum with the media in the baglog temperature 95-120 degrees C for 1-3 times 8 hours depending on the amount of substrate that will be pasteurized.
6. Substrate inoculation inoculation with spawn in the room. After baglog substrate temperature down to room temperature, inokulasikan seeds on the substrate in a laminar flow. Seeds 10-15gr/kg substrate.
7. Baglog incubation substrate (mycelium growth 15-30 days). Houses mushroom / lemur / incubation chamber kept dry and clean, the temperature of 22-28 degrees C without light.
8. Substrate Baglog opened ring opening (7-15 days later). How to open vary, depending on the type of wood used mushrooms.
9. Baglog arranged on shelves in houses fungus (mildew growth 10-15 days later, grew pin head / will grow fruit). Will grow the fruit is drenched with clean water for fungal growth. For oyster mushrooms, which doused the house mushrooms. For watering mushroom directly on the substrate until soaked. Mushroom house temperature 16-22 degrees C RH: 80-90%.
10. Oyster mushroom harvest / ear. Harvest of less than 9 times in less than 1.5 months depending on how the maintenance / watering mushrooms and cleanliness lemur. Or the rest of the harvest 2-5 times a week.
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