How to Whiten Teeth Naturally

How to Whiten Teeth Naturally

Shining white teeth is everyone's dream. Sometimes because they have teeth that are less bright colors, so we are not too confident to smile or even talk directly with others. Various ways can we do to get the color of teeth are cleaner than ever, ranging from natural ways to chemically. Everything is done to get white teeth shining in order to support our appearance.

1. Siwak
Siwak is usually used by the Muslim population in the world to clean teeth, and is a common entity in Muslim countries. Common reasons miswak use by Muslims associated with religion. Where is the culture and traditions of the use of miswak or miswak has long occurred in Muslim countries. There are 70 benefits of miswak described in the literature of Islam, and many have been proved scientifically.

2. Pasta Lemon and salt
Make a paste made from a few drops of lemon juice mixed with a little salt. use while you are brushing your teeth regularly. Pasta lemon can remove rust on the surface of the tooth. practical recipes for white teeth.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar and White
Apple juice and white vinegar are also very effectively removes rust stains on the teeth, because they contain bleaching agents that help remove the stain quickly. However, both these materials is very hard, so use on a daily basis will cause damage to the lining of the email. So do not be too frequent use of this material, so your teeth do not quickly porous.

4. Orange peel
Orange peel contain bleaching agents that are very soft, which will help remove rust stains on the teeth without harming enamel. The trick, rub the inside of the orange peel into your teeth, but use fresh orange peel.

5. Bay
Way to take 6 sheets drying in the sun, then squeezed until they become powder. add orange peel powder. How to use it simply rubbing a mixture of bay leaves with the orange peel every day to maximize results.

6. Strawberry
Strawberry can help remove rust stains on the teeth and make it a brilliant white. so many-many are consuming this fruit as a whole, not just vitamins are useful for the body but the teeth were so white and clean.

7. Wood Charcoal
Charcoal is also very powerful way to clean the yellow stains on the teeth, but this material is dangerous because it can permanently damage the mail and causes pain in the tooth. Therefore, you should not try.

8. Areca seed
It turned out very good ore nut is also used to meutihkan teeth, but in its use there own way. If you want to try please do as below:
Take a nut, then roasted seeds until like charcoal.
After the charcoal was puree until smooth.
Rub the teeth with coco nut or cotton cloth.
Perform routine 2 weeks, so keep teeth clean and white.



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