Character Zodiac Tiger

Character Zodiak Tiger - In this article will be explained in detail about the zodiac tiger, ranging from personality zodiac tiger, tiger zodiac health, career zodiac tiger, tiger zodiac association, explanation of the 5 elements and the zodiac tiger suitable partner or spouse does not match zodiac tiger.
Tiger Woods was born: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2012

zodiac tiger

Personality zodiac tiger:
Occupies position 3 in the Chinese Zodiac, the Tiger symbolizes the character such as courage, competitiveness and unpredictability. Tigers like to be challenged and will accept any challenge if it means protecting a loved one or protecting their honor. They do not worry about the outcome because they know they will always land on their feet. Do not let their tranquil appearance fool you though; tiger will pounce when they feel it necessary.
Born to lead, the tiger can be stubborn if they realize that they were not responsible. They have little tendency to be selfish but overall, the tiger is very generous. They are very intelligent and they are always alert. Tiger is very interesting and well-liked by others. They are not motivated by money or power.

Health zodiac tiger:
As they do their enemies, the tiger has a tendency to pounce on their work. After that, they left feeling tired. Although they will soon rise again, from time to time, this approach can cause problems with their health. Tigers need to develop a more balanced approach to life so that they can utilize their energy more efficiently.

Career zodiac tiger:
Tiger has a constant need to be challenged which may explain why they jump from job to job. This is not necessarily a problem because they are intelligent and can quickly master new subjects. Tiger is the best job for those who will lead them toward positions of leadership. Some careers that are suitable for covering tiger: ad agency, office managers, travel agents, actors, writers, artists, pilots, flight attendants, musicians, comedians and driver.

Intercourse zodiac tiger:
Creative in their passion, tigers will never be their partner. They're expressive, polite and trustworthy, but be careful. Tigers tend to dominate their relationship. This tendency is instinctive and when monitored closely, such behavior can be controlled. Partners should be equally active to compete with Tiger sense of adventure.

Explanation sign shows the 5 elements:

  • Shio tiger the metal element - Year 1950 and 2010
Assertive, competitive and sharp, very Metal Tigers set their sights on their goals there is no stopping them. They always will do what it takes to stay in the limelight. Metal tigers tend to jump to conclusions, their behavior must work on improving.
  • Shio tiger the element of water - In 1902 and 1962
Tiger Air is sensitive and quiet. They realize that other people have opinions too worthy. They are very intuitive which makes them both to accurately assess the situation differently.
  • Shio tiger the wood element - In 1914 and 1974
Do not feel the need to take responsibility, work well with Tiger Wood others. Others enjoy being around Wood Tiger because they are very giving individual. They are compassionate and willing to do whatever it takes to help others.
  • Shio tiger the element of fire - Year 1926 and 1986
Expressive, vibrant and a little eccentric, Fire tiger always see the positive side of every situation. Because they are able to generate excitement in others, they are regarded as an excellent leader. When Fire Tigers speak, others listen - and do what they say!
  • Shio tiger the elements of the earth - In 1938 and 1998
More based on reality, Earth Tiger is not carried away by the circumstances of their situation. Instead, they sit back and evaluate all angles before jumping in. They can stay focused on their tasks, a trait that helps ensure success.

Pair of matching zodiac tiger = Dogs and Horses
The couple did not match zodiac tiger = Goat and Cow



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